Chiselborough Flower Festival June 2021

As usual a Flower Festival was held in our Parish Church in June 2021 and this year the theme was a celebration of the lives of Christine Cavill and Mary Scott-Kestin. Christine and Mary passed away during the COVID pandemic. Christine was born and lived her whole life in Chiselborough and Mary lived in the village for 37 years. Both were very active in the Church and village. There was a well-attended Memorial Service for Christine and Mary in the Church over the same weekend. Below are photographs of some of flower arrangements.

 Also displayed were postcards written by Chiselborough residents expressing their gratitude for acts of kindness they had appreciated during the past lockdown year. This lovely idea was originated by Camilla, in conversation with Hannah, and it acknowledged the kindness and neighbourliness of individuals in our village through such a difficult time.

All photography is by June and Tony Perry, and Jim leFeuvre, and we are grateful for these beautiful images.

To view a photograph more closely, simply click on it.