Ask the Council


Please feel welcome to contact us if you have questions concerning the work of the Parish Council, if you have any concerns that you feel the Council should be aware of, or to ask for help or support.

The Council’s official point of contact is the Clerk, Martyn Hamlin. Martyn can be contacted as follows:

M: 07966 364831


The Chairman of CPC is Roger Bulley

Tel: 881528

Come to a Parish Council meeting – it is your right, and you will be most welcome.

The Parish Council normally meet on the second Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, with the exception of January and August when there is no meeting. Take time to read the Parish Council minutes and agendas HERE to find out what is covered at the meetings. There is public participation at every meeting—residents can bring issues or questions to the Parish Council attention. Should you wish to attend, or ask a question, it is requested that you email the Parish Clerk, Martyn Hamlin, by 9pm on the day before the meeting, to let us know - E:

Council meetings are open to all parishioners and the councillors welcome your views and input to our discussions.