CPC Agendas & Minutes


The Parish Council meet on the second Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm, with the exception of January and August when there is no meeting. Agendas and Minutes are prepared by the Parish Clerk, Martyn Hamlin.

To view, click on the tabs below.

If you would like to read Agendas and Minutes from earlier dates than those listed here, you may do so by making a request to the Parish Clerk E: chiselboroughparishcouncil@gmail.com

The Parish Council seeks to represent your views, and works on our behalf to create positive initiatives for our village. Why not try attending a Parish Council Meeting?

To access 2018 minutes and agendas

To access 2019 minutes and agendas

To access 2020 minutes and agendas

To access 2021 minutes and agendas

To access 2022 minutes and agendas

To access 2023 minutes and agendas

To access 2024 minutes and agendas

To access May 2022 Annual Parish Meeting Reports

This website aims to operate in compliance with the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities published in the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014. CPC has a robust information management policy which entails secure storage and transparent availability of all requisite documents. If you encounter any problems accessing or finding a document that you would like to read, you are welcome to notify the CPC Clerk. E: chiselboroughparishcouncil@gmail.com