CPC Finance


This page gives access to recent CPC finance documents, including annual returns, accounts, asset registers and bank reconciliations.

To access 2018 Accounts


To access 2019 Accounts


To access 2020 Accounts


To access 2021 Accounts


To access 2022 Accounts


CPC Responsible Financial Officer & Clerk : Martyn Hamlin

CPC Internal Auditor : Alan Plom

This website aims to operate in compliance with the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities published in the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014. CPC has a robust information management policy which entails secure storage and transparent availability of all requisite documents. The annual governance statement, audit report and annual precept amount can be found within the annual return. Items of expenditure over £100 are included in the list in accounts. If you encounter any problems accessing or finding a document that you would like to read, you are welcome to notify the CPC Clerk. E: chiselboroughparishcouncil@gmail.com