Chiselborough Village Picnic : August 2023

—Thanks to all who helped to make a happy day

This year’s picnic was another success and many thanks to everyone who helped: To all those who turned up despite the weather not being it’s best and entering into the spirit of the event, without you there would be no picnic! To the scythers Nigel Stone, Stuart Wright and Jem Langworthy for making such a good job of the picnic area, to Stuart, Bridget and her friend Charlotte, Helen Truman, Vanda, Garry and Ian for erecting the gazebos. To Vanda and Helen who did a wonderful job in arranging the children’s activities, stone painting, seed bombs, wellie wanging and much more. Last but not least, Sarah Bailey for her beautiful posters.

Here’s to next year, when we hope the sun shines a bit more.


Photographs kindly supplied by Laura and Lydia.

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